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Support CTEF Pilot projects 2021!

Writer: brandonpeng2024brandonpeng2024

This year we are excited to pilot two new projects to enhance knowledge for students in rural China. 今年我们很高兴地开启两个新项目,旨在给乡村的学生开拓视野,提高综合素质。

Our first project is the Music Classroom, which will bring sets of music instruments to 6 schools in Yunnan, Guizhou, Shan Xi and Tianjin. Volunteers will coordinate teacher-trainings, curriculum-building, and resource exchanges for these schools and nearby schools this summer. The Music Classroom will launch in Fall 2021. “音乐课堂”计划对云南,贵州,山西,天津等地六所中小学捐赠全套西洋与民族乐器。义工会组织教师培训,整合现有和网络资源组织课件。自秋季学期开始,各学校音乐课堂即可现场演示,尝试音乐课堂新思路。

Our second project is the Youth Wisdom Boot Camp, which will provide students and teachers in participating schools with extracurricular materials and educational toys. Schools are strongly encouraged and supported to start clubs in English, World Knowledge and STEM areas. A competition will be held later this year to encourage motivated students to present their achievements. We hope to encourage students that are passionate, eager to learn and motivated to explore.

“少年智更强”竞赛项目将有各地216名师生参加英语,世界知识,科技三个项目的竞赛。基金会为参赛学校的学生和教师提供培训资料,益智玩具等, 同时鼓励学校开展相关课后俱乐部。学生们在老师指导下可以通过竞赛展示学习科研成就。希望由此能够培养更多学生热爱科学,刻苦钻研。

These projects will impact 5000 students within the 6 designated schools. Furthermore, these projects can potentially impact students in schools nearby, creating unlimited possibilities!

近五千学生会通过这两个项目受益,周边的学校也有可能参与后期分享活动, 潜力无限!

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